
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Do we actually want our Pastry chefs to grow or its a Personal Political Agenda ?

May be I can see only one side of it but, I would definitely like to see another side of this as well

5000 Pastry chefs in the country is controlled by 2-3 Pastry chefs of the associations which does not have more then 50 - 60  members


My point is Chefs association in the countries. A fantastic #opportunity where a group of responsible senior chefs come together and create a platform for the entire country. I am sure they work really hard within and out side countries, to create a conductive atmosphere, where a structured ( or not so ) system is created, where generally young chefs are given opportunity to excel in their skills through different means. then to associate themselves with international association and take further steps to move on. #WACS is one of the great associations recognized world wide and I am sure the most prestigious one too. all the local associations would like to connect with them as make an International atmosphere in there own countries

Till now everything looks great

Reality !!!

After some time , the so called great chefs in their own countries become ghost of their own larger then life Image. they think what ever they decide is good and young chefs should not question them. Patriotism become a poor reasoning securing their personal Interest

Poor local chefs look at them as heroes and always are in awe of them. Many of them are happy enough to have a photograph with them for social media. Many of them does not even get a chance to talk to them also forget the benefit of Joining the associations

The very idea of forming these associations goes out to dustbin

I was never apart of any associations all my life and believed that what ever I can do, can be done at my own level and limited resources. I could see the Layers of chefs at local level , state level, National level , regional level and then world wide.

Now lets talk about their contribution -
#Singapore could be an Exception but, I hardly know any association which have a structured plan to reach out the chefs of their country. Training is out of question and if it done to promote them at personal level.

Competitions once a year is another tool but again, its more about promoting themselves during these events, then actually nurturing out a younger generations. Then comes the personal favourite

The most dangerous part where they start their own personal agenda while selecting the winner or choosing the team for National representation.

Very funny, very dirty and very very shrewed way of thinking.
Any one reasoning with them is either barred , cornered or denied a reply, what ever suits them better. and if they are from another country then the terms like outsider , Patriotism comes to play

I have seen so many of them now, that I just start ignoring them. Chefs who I used to look up as heroes are now seems very different. I don't remember if these were the same people whom I used to know as colleagues