
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Road to,,,,,,Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

I have never written before.....

So , if you are looking for a professional write up then this may not be a very suitable one. but if you are looking for something which directly comes from heart and brain then this can become one of the most interesting journal for anyone.Journal which can tell you that nothing is impossible. If you have a non dying spirit in you to read , study , look around you and visualise your dreams , you can do it.

All my Life I was reading Biography of people who change their life and others. Never I realise that every person is capable of it. Me , a highly spirited pastry chef who took every chance in my life to prove that I exist , that I am in this world with a reason , that I am one of the best available talent never ran out of Ideas.

I was the last person to ever think of doing something of my own though owning a pastry school was always in back of my mind.
One fine day while talking to my child hood friend , we just decide to do something of our own. It took us 15 min but never I realise that those 15 min of talk will be giving Birth to something so Niche , so Huge and something entire south Asia region is looking for.


One of the Best Pastry Academy in entire south east Asia region .you can see new kids getting training there , pastry chefs practising and trying new recipes , professional chefs practising for competitions. what better then looking at world Champions , MOF and Olympic gold medallist chefs come on the same platform and share their knowledge.

First we though of opening a chocolate lounge but very soon we realise that it will be a risky decision as it will take huge investment, lots of competitions where business open and close everyday.And then comes the golden Idea of Pastry academy.In a Country where I don't Belong to , my iinvestors and friends never visited?Is it a good Idea? After spending 3 years in Malaysia, I was very confident of Malaysian economy and stability.
First difficulty was to start? and where to start from?
3 month Of working on the business plan , 3 month on SME tool Kit.I am sure many of us never uunderstand or heard of a SME tool Kit. To me its one of the best self education source for anyone who don't want to attend a business school but Interested in knowing as how to open a business. Learning is same , you learn through book in college or you learn through website where in professional share their experiences.there is so much you can learn around you ,you just need to find the source.

Finally after 7 month of computer work , reading Journals , travelling all over Asia visiting pastry schools , colleges and Academies....I was Ready.

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