
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Road to,,,,,,Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia- part 5

Finally , I come up this Poster . I was liking it so much that I want this poster to show what we are all about.
Now This Poster is actually acting as our main advertising signage. All the Official informations , press release and advertisement stuff were coming on this poster.
Thanks to chef Michel willaume ,Matthias scheubel, Peter Lourence and chef Aubione.
We were very much behind the schedule and so was Our First Media shoot. This was the first time I saw the way contractor and labour behave. Though I dont totally Blame them I know that these contractor alwasy 1-2 project going on. Any problem , they Quickly move their Labour to another site.
I was going Nuts as the Free rental time was already finished and I was actually paying the Rental.

Fortunately we didnt waste time from Our side. the chefs Team keep on doing the Purchase so that one go we can Move in the Academy.
Finally we move on to the Academy on 1 st August , 2010.
Good 15  days late then discussed..

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