
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Road to,,,,,Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia- part 3

Every Business Book says that arrange the finances first....I was doing just opposite.
I did all my Planning from scratch to end without any money in hand.

Getting a location was not easy looking at what I was looking for. I was looking for a huge place where I can have different specialised pastry kitchens. chocolate room , sugar room , bakery , wedding cake room and main pastry kitchen. Till now I have already drafted my Kitchen so every time I was looking for a location I was trying to fit my kitchen Plans to them.
Hunt for a good pastry chef was going on. Applications were coming from all over the world.I was looking for a european pastry chef who can run the Academy for me.Its Not easy to put your money on someone you never met. My pastry chef friends all over the world were sending me resume.
At this moment of time I forgot to mention one  name...CHEF KEITH HURDMAN...first chef who came forward to help me and start talking to me.
we strated sharing resume and also working on our strategies.
I saw this place by accident and love it at the first sight. After couple of weeks I got my agent to show me the same place. A huge 2nd floor , Pillarless and great visuals.This was the best place I could have got. I knew that.
Director of Pastry Arts
I saw his resume and his work. He had some excellent training in France under some great chefs , trainined in best hotels and restaurants.Guillaume was having his own pastry shop in paris before moving to Oman to open a pastry shop.Finally he was working with a culinary school in Oman.
we exchanged couple of mails and Finally he was on board.
My designer and contractor
A nice sober guy , funny a bit was not the first choice but came with recommendation from my friend Ranjit.
I like his simplicity thought it always give me back feel that can he carry this work with the Imagination and panache I am looking for?


Rough guy with good hands on knowledge was the right choice from starting .I knew that.Very supportive and accomodative.
Infact he was the person who helped me get my Kitchen equipments , tables and steelwork contractor Leong.

Look a bit rough to me, maybe because of his nature of work
But the team was getting ready and meeting were on the tables by now.

Contract were signed with all, designs were getting discussed , Quotations were flowing in without any Idea that I am pennyless......hahahhahha

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