
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Road to,,,,,,Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia- part 2

Dreaming is a very good thing.

One should always dream. Its your dream which become reality.If you dont dream you never achieve that. so dream it , visualise it . put your ideas into it and then again dream.

Things were very much in control in and another way...out of my hands.

Lots of Task to follow. Money , How much Money? Location , what is the best Location? Till now everybody I contacted with my Business plan and vision  liked it but no one was ready to put the Money.
I still didnt loose the grip and plan to Go ahead . It was too funny. Keep on doing something which you are not sure of.
I was the one man Team doing business plan , finances , company formation formalities,courses schedule , Licenses , equipments, contractor and before that the best location hunt.
It was tiring and I certainly use to miss my good old time swimming , gym ,watching Movies and Hanging out with Kids. Off use to be more busier mostly without lunches.Salary use to get spend on something I was'nt even sure of.I was not Complaining as it was a great learning . Business term were on my tips thought limited . I was weak in finances so I use my own trail and tested ways to keep a tap on financial figures.
From a Pastry chef I was turning into an entrepreneur...and Undercover Entrepreneur..hahhaha.

 I remember Talking to my friend in april.....  , my current Business Partner and Financier. Things were going not so bright when he finally give me a green signal to go ahead with the plan.This was the "Moment of Truth". I was knowing that once we move forward now , then no going back.
I was scared......
and I was very much scared.
to go ahead OR to have one more final thought.
I was putting all my money which was for my House plus money of my friend....big responsibilty.
I was having every damn reason to be scared.

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