
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Road to,,,,,,Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia- part 4

Website designing

I knew papia through Expat KL. You know looking for someone from your own country in a different land.we try to catch up sometime but never happen.
while my search for web designer got me back to her as I knew that she do some stuff like this.
couple of meeting and she was in designing the website for me.
It was difficult  as she had a great schedule , cant meet personally, out of malaysia on weekends  so we did all the stuff on mail. A person like me who is so hands on being a chef this was unacceptable but after couple of mess up we were moving in the direction. It was coming great. I must say.
Finally we come up with a great website with lots of room for changes which I decide to change in second stage.

Guillaume Joins us.

I like him from the first day. Very Unsual for a french to be so accomodative.he was. He start shifting to his appartment with his girlfriend.He was happy setting his things , new country. Poor guy ,with out realising what in store for him ....hahahhha. Now days he start his day at 7 am and finish 10 pm....hahahhha

Biggest Nightmare
People start their Renovation with a work and we were starting with a back log. removing venyl  from the Previous tenant.Can you believe it? we got one month rental free from the owner and we use first 10 days only removing Venyl from the Last Tanent.
I was working for the first time with a contractor. Everything was new. Lots of importance from so many People. No complain .I was enjoying it.
But still pennyless......My salary was the Only source of funds.

Up till now, Things were getting too fast. the Business plan wan in my laptop for 8 month and now we were ready to open in a month.


Driving me crazy. Me and my friends who were my partners were trying to get money in every possible way. we were loosing money with every transaction.

Cool Breeze
Finally we got it fixed and Money start coming in.


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